The Center for Internal Laws and UN Studies was formed to support the initiatives related to studies of various international Laws, UN Charter, The Earth Constitution and Constitutions of Nations,
To promote the awareness of necessity of UN reforms, Art. 109(3) of UN Charter and the Constitution for the Federation of the earth, all over the world.
The Team has the following members
1.Dr. Roger Kotila
2. Prof. P N Murthy
3.Dr. Glen T Martin
4. Dr.Asmita Vaidya
1. Organize discussions on the existing Internal Laws
2. Encourage student level discussions on UN reforms
3. Encourage Model UN Sessions from students & youth
4. Conduct studies on Constitutions of Nations
5. All other contemporary issues

Vision & Mission
Our mission
History of human civilisation on this planet has witnessed many global conflicts and devastations. San Franciso Conference in 1945, opened up a new vista of formation of World Federation and an emerging global governance platform of World Parliament. Any democratic setup can work efficiently under a Constitution adopted by its citizens. Center for Earth Federation and Earth Constitution aims at creating and spreading global awareness in this direction.
Our vision
World has now known that World is One Family and sustainable global governance of the World Federation under the Earth Constitution is the best and efficient way.

Prof. Deepak Baruah
Specialist in International Relations

Prof. P N Murthy
Director EFI

Prof.Klaus Schlichtmann
World Federalist and Author

Dr.Roger Kotila
World Federalist and Supporter
CILUS Programs
Provide a general summary of the services you provide, highlighting key features and benefits for potential clients.

International Laws & Global Governance
Short duration experiential learning Certificate Program to enhance the knowledge about the Constitution of the Nation and evaluate how the Global citizen can align his/her knowledge, skills and interests with the mission "Planetary Welfare".
For more details, please download the brochure.
CILUS Events
UN Reforms under Art.109(3) and The Earth Constitution
The urgency for UN Reforms and Constitutionalizing the UN cannot be undermined. Speakers will delve on the practical aspects involved in this global process.
24 Oct 2024
6.30 pm - 7.30 pm
CILUS Flyers & Booklets
SAN FRANCISCO PROMISE -Two Speeches of Sir Arcot Ramaswamy Mudaliar from 1945
CILUS New-Letter
CILUS News-letter Dec 2024
CEFEC Journal - "World Laws"
Call for Papers
World Laws
World Laws is the journal published by the Center for the Earth Constitution
This Journal will be published yearly once and in Digital Form/e-Journal form.
Editorial Board
Dr. Glen T Martin
Prof. P N Murthy
Theme and Sub Themes
The Theme and Sub-theme shall cover all issues related to global governance, World Federation, Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam (World is One Family)
Guidelines for Submission of Papers
The Abstract must summarize the highlights of the full paper and should not exceed 300 words
The soft copy of the Abstract should be submitted with details of the authors, like name, affiliation, email ID and mobile number
Upon acceptance of the Abstract, the complete manuscript must be submitted before the timeline specified (15th of every month)
Similarity content should not exceed 15%
In the case of co-authorship maximum of three authors can be considered
The manuscript should not be more than 6000 words heading and sub-heading should be short and should not be numbered, the primary heading should be in uppercase and bold, and the subheading should be in the title case capitalization and bold
Tables should be numbered consecutively, and the title of the table should be placed on the table. Figures/ diagrams/ graphs should be numbered & wherever necessary the source should be indicated at the bottom.
References should be arranged in alphabetical order and should be in APA format.
The manuscript should be in MS Word format, with 1.5 line spacing, a one-inch margin and with Times New Roman font size of 12 black
On special request, an online presentation facility can be arranged
Authors are requested to submit the Abstract/full-length paper in MS Word format on email sent to
Acceptance or rejection of the abstract shall be at the sole discretion of the editorial board and no communication will be entertained in this regard. However, all accepted articles will be published in the subsequent month's edition.
Authors can submit at a time not more than two articles

World Federation University
Empowering global citizens through innovative experiential learning solutions.
© 2021. All rights reserved.
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(Global autonomous non-accredited institution)