Centers of Excellence in World Federation University
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Centre for Earth Federation & Earth Constitution(CEFEC)

This Center promotes the Study and Promotion of the Earth Constitution.

Centre for Peace Studies (CPS)
Created under Art 7.3.1 of the Earth Constitution for studying methods of Disarmament & War Prevention.
Created under Art 7.3.23 of the Earth Constitution for Distributive Justice. This Center promotes study of International Laws; Constitutions of Nations of the world; UN Charter and other related laws. Also promotes Programs and projects on UN Reform initiatives including Art.109(3) Campaign.
Center for International Laws & UN Studies (CILUS)
Center for Demographic Studies (CDS)

Created under Art 7.3.2 of the Earth Constitution. to study the demographic studies of regions of the world to facilitate creation of the World Districts under the Earth Constitution.

enter for Food & Agricultural Studies (CFAS)
Created under Art 7.3.3 of the Earth Constitution. to study the food needs of the world and to find solutions to the challenges.
Created under Art 7.3.4 of the Earth Constitution. to study the water management systems for both drinking and farming purposes and to contain pollution of water bodies..
Center for Studies on Water Supply & Waterways (CSWSW)
Center for Health and Nutritional Studies (CHNS)

Created under Art 7.3.5 of the Earth Constitution. to study the global challenges in Health and nourishment.

Center for Global Education (CGE)
Created under Art 7.3.6 of the Earth Constitution. to study the common Global education needs.
Created under Art 7.3.7 of the Earth Constitution. to study the possibilities of human integration through cultural inclusiona
Center for Studies on Cultural Diversity & Arts (CSCDA)
Center for Studies on Habitats & Human Settlements (CSHHS)

Created under Art 7.3.8 of the Earth Constitution. to study the solutions in ideal human habitats and settlements

SCenter for Studies on Environment & Ecology (CSEE)
Created under Art 7.3.9 of the Earth Constitution. to study the crisises in Environmental and Climate areas.
Created under Art 7.3.10 of the Earth Constitution. to study the World resources to enable access to & equitable distribution.
Center for Studies on world Resources (CSWR)
Centre for Studies on Oceans and Seabed (CSOS)

Created under Art 7.3.11 of the Earth Constitution. to study the Oceanic Life and Resources.

Centre for Studies on Atmosphere & Space (CSAS)
Created under Art 7.3.12 of the Earth Constitution. to study the Atmosphere and Space Resources.
Created under Art 7.3.13 of the Earth Constitution. to study the Alternative Energy sources and their uses.
Centre for Energy Studies (CES)
Centre for Studies on Science & Technology (CSST)

Created under Art 7.3.14 of the Earth Constitution. to study the innovative scientific and Technological options.

Centre for Studies on Atmosphere & Space (CSAS)
Created under Art 7.3.16 of the Earth Constitution. to study the opportunities to develop human capital for global market needs
Created under Art 7.3.17 of the Earth Constitution. to study the opportunities for Economic and Social development
Centre for Studies on Economic & Social Development (CSESD)
Centre for Studies on Commerce & Industry (CSCI)

Created under Art 7.3.18 of the Earth Constitution. to study the opportunities of Local to Global Trade, Commerce and Industry.

Centre for Studies on Transportation & Travel (CSTT)
Created under Art 7.3.19 of the Earth Constitution. to study the opportunities of Global Tourism development.
Created under Art 7.3.20 of the Earth Constitution. to study the possibilities of Global Social Entrepreneurship Models.
Centre for Studies in Global Social Entrepreneurship (CSGSE)
Centre for Studies in Communication & Information Technology (CSCIT)

Created under Art 7.3.21 of the Earth Constitution. to study the adoption of global communication and information designs.

Centre for Studies on Human Rights (CSHR)
Created under Art 7.3.22 of the Earth Constitution. to study the novel methods of protecting global human rights.
Created under Art 7.3.23 of the Earth Constitution. to study the efficient models of distributive justice on global front.
Centre for Studies on Distributive Justice (CSDJ)
Centre for Studies on World Services Corps (CSWSC)

Created under Art 7.3.24 of the Earth Constitution. to study the possibilities of creating models of global services.

Centre for Studies on Exterior Relations (CSER)
Created under Art 7.3.25 of the Earth Constitution. to study the workable exterior relations model.
Created under Art 7.3.26 of the Earth Constitution. to study the possibilities of implementing efficient democratic and governance procedures.
Centre for Studies on Democratic Procedures (CSDP)
World Federation University
Empowering global citizens through innovative experiential learning solutions.
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