About World Federation University
World Federation University (WFU) is a Global Educational Organisation for promoting the idea of World Federation as envisioned by Sri Aurobindo awareness; asserting commitment to the vision of "federation of friendly inter-dependent States "as enunciated by Mahatma Gandhi; to build skillsets manage /find solutions to global challenges including World Peace, Democratic Values required for sustainable human living. WFU also encourages study and dissemination of values in human civilisations to achieve ideal global governance model. These and other principles are enshrined in the Constitution for the Federation of the Earth.

World Federation University

Earth Federation Institute is offering knowledge share programs to all citizens of this world, to equip them to be informed decision makers in the global governance process. EFI also encourages study and research into crucial areas like world peace, climate change, global education, democratic values etc. The programs are in the areas listed in Art.7.3 of the Earth Constitution. These programs will help citizens to contribute to the welfare of people of this planet and fosters "Universal Brotherhood."
Transforming Education across Continents
Our mission is to embrace the pursuit of excellence in all our programs through Inclusive approach. We encourage critical thinking and emphasize on innovation and research to find solutions to the challenges in this world.
Commitment to Excellence
Focus on Experiential Learning
Our focus is to encourage participative governance model based on the Experiential learnings. A unique experiment aimed at finding solutions to the common challenges of the world, where learners willingly take up studies in their own areas of interest, supported by learned academicians supporting the efforts.
Our Aim is to address the global issues concerning the world and common to all nations, by integrating human talent from anywhere in the world.
Citizen's Global Responsibility
WFU Events
Every Center of Excellence in WFU has its own schedule of events. For details please check the COE page.
World Federation University
Empowering global citizens through innovative experiential learning solutions.
© 2021. All rights reserved.
US HQ Office:
World Federation University,
ECI Wing, 88 Oracle Way, Independence, VA 24348, United States of America.
India Office :
#3,Ground Floor, Chilarai Path, Chachal, Khanapara,Kamrup Metro Dt, Guwahati- 781022, Assam, India
eMail: Secretariat@worldparliamentuniversity.org
Admin Office :
107/1, MKCS Buildings, Mt Joy Extn,
Hanumanthanagar, Bangalore-560019
(Global autonomous non-accredited institution)